Securidaca longepedunculata is a savannah shrub commonly used by traditional medicine practitioners in Nigeria; the plant is reputed to have over one hundred medicinal indications. In this investigation, the histopathologic effects of S. longepedunculata on the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs of rats were examined. Albino rats (Sprague Dawley strain) weighing 200 – 250 g were given 2 mg/kg (I.P) of aqueous extract daily for fourteen days and then sacrificed. Tissues were harvested and processed for photomicrographic examinations. Extracts of the plant gave an LD50 value of 37 mg/kg (I.P) and histological alterations monitored. In the kidneys, there was acute tubular necrosis with diffused interstitial and glumerular haemorrhage characteristic of irreversible cellular injury of the epithelium and parenchyma. Similar changes were observed in the liver showing severe ballooning degeneration of the hepatocytes, necrosis and formation of mallory bodies. In the lungs diffused alveolar and capillary damage as well as early formation of hyaline membranes were evident. The histological changes are similar to those produced by chronic ethanol and p-acetaminophene ingestion, suggesting the presence of toxic constituents. From these observations, it can be inferred that the use of S. longepedunculata may be associated with tissue structural damage of some vital organs.
The histopathologic effects of Securidaca longepedunculata
It Oughta Be Criminal!
For persons who have been granted the authority to give and take life, I see a frightening disregard for facts, truth and honesty here. Doesn't anyone care for the truth of a given situation? Or is following the herd preferable to being honest? Because a look outside the echo-chamber so many seem to prefer learning from will quickly reveal the following:
The Weather Underground was investigated ONLY for the 1970 bombing, including again in 2003 using advances in technology to find the bombers. No one from the WUO was indicted. The WOU took responsibility for numerous bombing, all of which were preceded by warnings to allow evacuation. Of the bombings claimed by WUO, not one person was killed.
Given these facts, it seems more likely that another of the many radical groups then protesting Vietnam, woman's liberation and black civil rights was responsible. The modus operandi of the Weatherman was not present during the murder of Sgt. McDonnell, and all subsequent investigations bear that out.
The author of the article states "This article’s only purpose is to honor those three fallen heroes. Plenty has been written about their relationship from both sides of the campaign, and I have absolutely no interest in exploring that relationship further."
But contrary to his own words,. the very next paragraph starts, "Ayers, who has long held a position as a college professor in Chicago, has a surprisingly nefarious past."
No interest in exploring "that relationship" further ? One would have to be both stupid and blind not to see that smearing Obama with the Weathermen brush is all he is concerned with doing, and using the "memory of fallen officers" is the way he's going to do it.
As for "honoring" their memory....Well, let's take a look at how honorable the man is, shall we?
Despite his claim that the WUO operated through the 70s and early 80s, they were in fact a group of 60's radicals whose main concern was the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. When the Vietnam War came to a close, so did any support they might have had, which resulted in their own demise soon after. Ayers and Dorhn eventually turned themselves in in 1980, both receiving only fines and probation --- hardly he kind of sentences one would expect had they been anywhere near as dangerous as the "murderous terrorists" depicted above.
The proof that our noble author has an agenda other than what he claims is the simple fact that the 1983 robbery and subsequent firefight he tries to pin on Ayers group, the WUO, was in fact committed by members of another group known as the Black Liberation Army. They were all caught, convicted and sentenced to terms that will not see them up for parole until the year 2056. The only connection that can possibly be made is that one member had at one time belonged to the Weathermen. As for who that member was, it is notable only in that this is the one who received the shortest sentence, namely only one 20 - to life-sentence. The reason she received less time is that she was the unarmed get-away driver of the U-Haul that was miles away during the botched robbery, and had already surrendered herself at the time the robbers, now inside the cargo area, opened fire killing Officer's Brown and O'Grady.
So the claim that the Weather Underground is responsible for any of these deaths, nevertheless specifically Ayers and Dohrn, is absurd. Not only is it dishonest, but it is being done using the memory of officers who he claims to be respecting. Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but to me....anyone who would seek political advantage using the bodies of fallen LEOs as stepping stones, then lying to their surviving fellow years later, no doubt banking on the fact that most of you are too young to remember what was happening at that lower than low. It's despicable!
Then to somehow take n even greater leap and try to link this whole mess to Obama, a man who was all of 8 yrs old at the time, is bordering on criminal insanity.
The only connection between Ayers and Obama is a $200 donation by Ayers to his re-election campaign, including his membership on the same 8-man Woods Fund board, a position that once saw the group together at Ayers residence. Whoopee....
And what he isn't telling you is that Ayers was an aide to Mayor Richard M. Daley at the time. Is he ready to call Mayor Daley a terrorist? Why not? Having Ayers as his paid employee would make Daley the Bin Laden of Chicago! .....Or at least if we are going to use the same reasoning as this puke has done.
No, no. If there's anything to be pissed about it's people who would manipulate law-enforcement with such crass motives and deeds. In fact, it ought to be a crime.
Having heard the name “Heritage Foundation” referred to as an old and venerable institution of the American political conservatives establishment, I am surprised and extremely saddened to find the level of discourse here only marginally better than one can find on any right-wing forum.
As a matter of curiosity I spend a great deal of time interacting with the members of a wide cross-section of the ideological spectrum; from communist or socialist on the left through the popular and personal mainstream bloggers, on through the fascist, monarchist or even racist skin-head ideologies of the far-right. And on a subject as lofty and full of dire implications for the survival of the country, reading all these desperate rationalizations for why you disagree with the decision leaves me wondering whether conservatism has anything /at all/ to do with ideology, or whether instead it is really is a personality disorder with political representation.
Have any of you asked yourself why you disagree with the decision to reinstate Habeas in GITMO? Did any of you think out the ramifications of allowing a President to decide when and where fundamental human rights will apply? Did you ask yourself whether every President who suspends it will be conservative, or whether it’s at all possible one of you could be picked up by a foreign government who decides whether you should be afforded the right to contest your imprisonment based on the decision your own leader took when holding his citizens?
Look. Bush has lied to you all about so many things now that one would think it would be an automatic reaction for a sane person to distrust what he has done and trust what has been tradition for over 800 years in the West. Habeas Corpus.
But no. Your fear of a threat exaggerated in your minds by the spectacle of 9/11 has somehow tripped a perceptual or cognitive switch too where you now believe stateless religious kooks can somehow launch attacks with results more dire than what the USSR presented you. And now you want to let a President decide when and where habeas rights apply to human beings, a right that was thousands of years in the making, and hundreds of years as the keystone of democratic rule. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You’re acting like children!
Palin's Lot
What needs to be taken into account by political wonks and citizens concerned about the future, is that the term "conservative" doesn't apply to a description of a political ideolog.... or at least not in the sense that "fascism", "communism", "liberalism" are. It's actually a description of a personality profile.
To illustrate, take the following: You will never find a left-wing, liberal, religious fundamentalist.
The significance of this is that other, "non-conservative" ideologies have a logical basis upon which it's learners can reason out their relative merits, benefits or drawbacks...see what each one offers the most hope for someone of their particular tastes and background.
OTOH, conservatism serves no purpose outside the comfort it offers those so afflicted with what I believe is a disfunctional behavioural trait left us from our pre-Neolithic ancestors. But that is a whole other area of inguiry I cannot hope to cover here.
So. Back to our anti-vice, anti-change crusaders.
The conservativism "movement" works in much the same way as the drugs that others use to escape the harsh realities of their lives. But a drug's deadening or euphoriant effects change our moods or minds in ways that are far too scary for conservatives, who are ironically probably the one group whose minds could most benefit from a change of mood.
As it is however, they are in perpetual fear of the gay "agenda" (?), a plot I have been lucky enough to actually have a conservative outline for me. This experience alone would have sufficed as convincing evidence that I was in the presence of a strong contender for placement in the next DSM, but my curiousity was now firmly captured by this presence among us. I found they also see other economically deprived ethnic groups as the people responsible for their own crappy jobs, see academics as the cause of their own failure to achieve any real education; and see journalists as the reason they themselves are uninformed about the world. Amazing.
anywhere in the world one goes, their 'devils' follow...merely changing
names and faces depending on the culture the conservative mindset appears in.
But the same basic pattern of denial and blame-placement are identical
across cultures, languages, religions or ideologies.
If you watch who they choose as persons whom they'll trust to let guide their thoughts, it'll be persons with a charismatic or authoritarian presence that seem best able to re-frame their discomfort by blaming it away on the people who oppose their existence (intellectuals, "elitists"). Them...and of course their own counterparts in different countries and continents.
Given that the majority of them do indeed live a miserable life,
it's a lucrative career opportunity for someone willing to come up with
enough enemies for them to place all that blame. Unfortunately, few person's with strong ethics or social maturity even
exist outside their own numbers. As such, right-wing authoritarians
have long been the default fill-in; a role that is far too important
for our own survival as a species to allow this incestuous relationship
to continue as it has.
Thankfully they are a minority of the population. And with the advent
of the internet, it's now possible for us to educate ourselves at least
to the basic facts about subjects that have long been the domain only
of the highly educated or well traveled.
Because their antics "over there" scare our ones "over here", they are as much a threat to the peace wherever they appear. Ours will mobilize and threaten war, impose sanctions, and any other antics they can think of to ensure nobody is any happier than they. And no-one, ever, was beset by more devils than the typical conservative. The 'traditional' RWA-SDO alliance creates a cycle of violence that is
far too dangerous in these nuclear, and now climactically fragile,
But psychologists are fascinated. "Group centrism syndrome" is the phrase psychologists use when referring to their specific disorder. Now you are aware. Tell your neighbours, teach your children. Mankind neds to change course NOW!
"front lines"?
While I'm perfectly aware of the possibility of an LEO being injured or killed while in the performance of his duty, it seems somewhat of a leap to compare the danger an LEO faces when executing a warrant on a the residence of some crack-wh**re pimp with the attempt to capture/kill Mullah Omar or patrol the streets of Fallujah. When I look at the number of LEOs killed since alcohol prohibition gave rise to Al Capone and the like, then compare it to the total deaths from any single war, including the current death toll in Iraq, there's simply no comparison.
As a man now about to turn 50 yrs old, I rember when LEO's didn't have...or even want....armored personnel carriers and all the other military hardware now available to police departments. I mean....i realize crime in England doesn't compare to here, but over there, about the only people that do carry guns really are only the criminals! But it was only a couple decades ago that British LEOs did their job without so much as a simple side-arm! That's simply inconcievable to most N. American LEOs, especially the new guysd who have been fed nothing but a steady diet of of the kind of comparisons FOP is making with the actual military. The result is that nowadays LEOs wouldn't even consider stepping out of their vehicle armed with nothing more than a baton. Why is that?
Why are all drug-warrants served by SWAT teams using "quick-knock" or no-knock warrants ?
I can't help but think it's laregely a result of a pissing match between county sherrifs to see who can assemble the most fearsome collection of military hardware the Pentagon started giving away back in the 80s when Cheney and pals saw to it that the Posse Comitatus laws that had always banned the use of the military to solve domestic problems....short very extreme circumstances like an armed insurrection.
As well, the WCs and other CO's are under constant pressure to buy the latest product that companies like Taser International or the makers of personal body armor carry because the rank and file have been bombarded with slick advertising campaigns convincing them that they absolutely must have their particular product because their very lives depend on it starting the very moment they leave the station, no matter where or what they are doing.
Whatever the reason, there's a huge change in the way LEOs see their job compared to just a couple decades ago.
So what's gojng on? Why the fear? Why the military hardware?
When race groups, religious groups, gay rights groups, or disabled groups see articles or comments in the media that they find offensive or damaging to their groups' way of life, they complain. When they hear government or law-enforcement officials using inflammatory or derisive language, they complain.
Anytime someone incites hate, violence, discrimination, or alienation of an identifiable group, it is often referred to as “Hate Speech”.
As a result, many insulting and insensitive words and turns of phrase that were once commonplace in media and in print, are no longer acceptable. This, we applaud.
Patients Against Ignorance and Discrimination on Cannabis intends to do the same thing, as it relates to Cannabis users.
Cultural Baggage: Jack Cole of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
What's Wrong With the Drug War?
What's Wrong With the Drug War?
Everyone has a stake in ending the war on drugs. Whether you’re a parent concerned about protecting children from drug-related harm, a social justice advocate worried about racially disproportionate incarceration rates, an environmentalist seeking to protect the Amazon rainforest or a fiscally conservative taxpayer you have a stake in ending the drug war. U.S. federal, state and local governments have spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to make America “drug-free.” Yet heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and other illicit drugs are cheaper, purer and easier to get than ever before. Nearly half a million people are behind bars on drug charges - more than all of western Europe (with a bigger population) incarcerates for all offenses. The war on drugs has become a war on families, a war on public health and a war on our constitutional rights.
Many of the problems the drug war purports to resolve are in fact caused by the drug war itself. So-called “drug-related” crime is a direct result of drug prohibition's distortion of immutable laws of supply and demand. Public health problems like HIV and Hepatitis C are all exacerbated by zero tolerance laws that restrict access to clean needles. The drug war is not the promoter of family values that some would have us believe. Children of inmates are at risk of educational failure, joblessness, addiction and delinquency. Drug abuse is bad, but the drug war is worse.
Few public policies have compromised public health and undermined our fundamental civil liberties for so long and to such a degree as the war on drugs. The United States is now the world's largest jailer, imprisoning nearly half a million people for drug offenses alone. That's more people than Western Europe, with a bigger population, incarcerates for all offenses. Roughly 1.5 million people are arrested each year for drug law violations - 40% of them just for marijuana possession. People suffering from cancer, AIDS and other debilitating illnesses are regularly denied access to their medicine or even arrested and prosecuted for using medical marijuana. We can do better. Join us.
Visit these pages to see how the drug war affects all aspects of our lives:
Drug War Funding
Pain Underprescribing
Environmental Consequences
Mandatory Minimum Sentences
Voter Disenfranchisement
Public Health Crisis
Access to Treatment
Higher Education Act
Public Benefits
Forced Evictions
Alternatives to Prohibition
Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America
Americans have long maintained that a man’s home is his castle and that he has the right to defend it from unlawful intruders. Unfortunately, that right may be disappearing. Over the last 25 years, America has seen a disturbing militarization of its civilian law enforcement, along with a dramatic and unsettling rise in the use of paramilitary police units (most commonly called Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT) for routine police work. The most common use of SWAT teams today is to serve narcotics warrants, usually with forced, unannounced entry into the home. These increasingly frequent raids, 40,000 per year by one estimate, are needlessly subjecting nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted civilians to the terror of having their homes invaded while they’re sleeping, usually by teams of heavily armed paramilitary units dressed not as police officers but as soldiers. These raids bring unnecessary violence and provocation to nonviolent drug offenders, many of whom were guilty of only misdemeanors. The raids terrorize innocents when police mistakenly target the wrong residence. And they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects. This paper presents a history and overview of the issue of paramilitary drug raids, provides an extensive catalogue of abuses and mistaken raids, and offers recommendations for reform.
"NO KNOCK" RAID GOES BAD By Jon Christian Ryter August 8, 2008 Prince George's County, Maryland police officers did not get the "no knock" warrant they sought from Circuit Court Judge Albert W. Northrup but they broke down the door of Berwyn Heights, Maryland Mayor Cheye Calvo's home on July 29 anyway. The police were looking for 32 lb. of marijuana. Adding trauma to injury, when they entered the home, the cops shot the mayor's black Labrador Retrievers. Neither dog was trying to attack them. In fact the younger dog, 4-year old Chase, was shot by officers as he tried to escape into the kitchen of the home. Seven-year old Payton was shot by the police the moment they entered the house. Police officers said the large dogs "intimidated them," and without being threatened by either docile pet, cops shot both of them. Cont...
Ex-Cop (Dean Becker) On The Insanity Of Prohibition
Psychopath For Mayor!
Jackson Mayor Is Indicted Over Crime-Fighting Tactics
The mayor of Jackson, Miss., was indicted on six felony charges Friday after months of criticism and warnings that his unorthodox crime-fighting tactics might put him on the wrong side of the law.
Among the counts now faced by the mayor, Frank Melton, are burglary, malicious mischief, illegally carrying a gun and causing a minor to commit a felony. The most serious of the charges against him carry sentences of up to 25 years, said the local district attorney, Faye Peterson.
The mayor's supporters called the charges politically motivated and said he would not resign.
Some of the charges stem from a sheriff's investigation of the night of Aug. 26, when the home of Evans Welch, a man with a history of mental illness and petty crimes, was attacked by a sledgehammer-wielding group of young men without warning or permit.
FOP Political Bias Extremely Partisan
Chuck Canterbury
National President
Executive Director
Jim Pasco
"Section 3103a(b), adopted as Section 213 of the USA PATRIOT Act, allows courts to authorize investigators to give delayed notice that a search warrant has been executed in certain narrow circumstances. Delayed notice under Section 213 can only be used when immediate notification
may result in endangering the life of an individual, flight from prosecution, destruction or tampering with evidence, intimidation of potential witnesses, or seriously jeopardizing an investigation or delaying a trial. Law nforcement has had this legal authority for years, and the courts have consistently held that the Fourth Amendment does not require law nforcement to give immediate notice of the execution of a search warrant"
Below are some of the issues the Fraternal Order Of Police (a union) National Legislative Office lobbied for in the 107th Congress:
H.R. 94 (Green, D-TX), the "Law Enforcement Officers Flag Memorial Act," would provide the families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty with a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol;
H.R. 196 (Sweeney, R-NY), the "Anti-Drug Legalization Act," will prohibit Federally sponsored research pertaining to the legalization of drugs;
# H.R. 201 (Sweeney, R-NY), the "Correctional Officer Protection Act," would reduce Federal funding to States which fail to enact legislation requiring the death penalty for persons convicted of killing a correctional officer;
# H.R. 213 (Sweeney, R-NY), the "Drug Importer Death Penalty Act," provides the death penalty for persons convicted of importing very large quantities of certain controlled substances;
H.R. 307 (Traficant, D-OH), the "Federal Protective Service Reform Act," provides expansion and clarification of the authority of FPS police officers and would enact other needed reforms;
H.R. 674 (LaFalce, D-NY), the "American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act," would allow local communities greater flexibility in designing homeownership programs for law enforcement officers through existing CDBG and HOME programs, authorizes one percent (1%) downpayments for Federal Housing Authority (FHA) insured home loan mortgages for law enforcement officers; builds on the "Officer Next Door" program by providing a no downpayment incentive for law enforcement officers buying homes in troubled neighborhoods;
H.R. 1212 (Barr, R-GA), the "Law Enforcement Officers Due Process Act," would provide grants to law enforcement agencies that ensure that their officers are afforded due process when involved in a case that may lead to dismissal, demotion, suspension, or transfer;
H.R. 1535 (Wolf, R-VA), the "Federal Inmate Work Act," will increase the opportunities for inmates to gain meaningful employement through the Federal Prison Industries of the Bureau of Prisons while creating a safer environment for correctional officers, reducing the rate of recidivism, enhancing public safety and providing restitution to the victims of crime;
# H.R. 2624 (Schiff, D-CA), the "Law Enforcement Tribute Act," authorizes the Attorney General to make grants to States, local governments, and Indian tribes to carry out programs to honor, through permanent tributes, men and women of the United States who were killed or disabled while serving as law enforcement or public safety officers;
H.R. 3025 (Forbes (R-VA), would expand the program under which State and local governments may procure law enforcement equipment through the Department of Defense to include the procurement of counterterrorism equipment;
H.R. 3433 (T. Davis, R-VA), "Terrorist Response Tax Exemption Act," would exempt the income of uniformed rescue personnel in declared "terrorist attack zones" from income tax during the months in which they perform their duties in response to such attacks, mirroring current law giving military personnel tax relief while serving in a combat zone;
H.R. 5018 (Ney, R-OH), the "Capitol Police Retention, Recruitment and Authorization Act," seeks to improve the overall strength and effectiveness of the Capitol Police by authorizing an increase in the annual rate of basic compensation, additional compensation for officers performing specialty assignments, tuition reimbursements and bonuses to officers who complete a degree in a law enforcement course of study, and bonus payments to officers who recruit others to join the force;
H.J. Res. 36 (Cunningham, R-CA), would amend the Constitution to give Congress the power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States;
S. 33 (Thurmond, R-SC) excludes prisoners from the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act;
S. 34 (Thurmond, R-SC) amends the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by changing the verdict requirement from unanimous to five-sixths (10 jury members);
S. 39 (Stevens, R-AK), the "Public Safety Medal of Valor Act," would establish a medal awarded by the President in the name of Congress to a public safety officer for extraordinary valor above and beyond the call of duty;
# S. 443 (Campbell, R-CO) would amend the Federal criminal code to increase from ten to fifteen years the maximum term of imprisonment for offenses involving the transportation, transfer, or use of stolen firearms;
Below are some of the issues the National Legislative Office lobbied against in the 107th Congress:
* H.R. 114 (Holt, D-NJ), the "Handgun Licensing and Registration Act," would require the licensing and registration of all handguns with the Federal government;
* H.R. 225 (Wexler, D-FL), the "Anti-Gunrunning Act," would make it illegal for any person to purchase more than one handgun in a thirty-day period;
* H.R. 321 (Jackson, D-IL) would provide a moratorium on the execution of Federal death sentences;
* H.R. 693 (Pascrell, D-NJ) would ban the manufacture of handguns that cannot be personalized;
* H.R. 697 (Rangel, D-NY), the "Crack Cocaine Equitable Sentencing Act" would amend the Controlled Substances Act and the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act to eliminate certain mandatory minimum penalties relating to crack cocaine offenses;
* H.R. 1038 (Jackson, D-IL) would impose a moratorium on the imposition of the death penalty at the Federal level until a National Commission on the Death Penalty reviews its fairness;
* H.R. 1907 (Norton, D-DC), the "Racial Profiling Prohibition Act," would cut Federal highway funds to States and localities that, absent an eyewtitness description, consider race, national origin or ethnic origin to initiate a traffic stop or vehicle search;
* H.R. 1996 (Lewis, D-GA), would restrict any use of race by the U.S. Customs Service to trigger searches or detentions;
* H.R. 2074 (Conyers, D-MI), the "End Racial Profiling Act," defines "racial profiling" as any consideration of race, national origin or ethnic origin to initiate a traffic stop or vehicle search absent an eyewitness description and requires the collection of race and other data by State and local law enforcement during routine investigatory activities;
* S. 25 (Feinstein, D-CA), the "Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act," would provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms;
* S. 233 (Feingold, D-WI), the "National Death Penalty Moratorium Act," would impose a moratorium on the death penalty at the Federal and State levels until a National Commission on the Death Penalty studies its use;
* S. 406 (Torricelli, D-NJ), the "Stop Gun Trafficking Act," would make it illegal for any person to purchase more than one handgun in a thirty-day period;
# H.R. 253 (Jackson-Lee, D-TX), the "Traffic Stops Along the Border Statistics Study Act," would require the U.S. Attorney General to collect race and other data on traffic stops made by State and local law enforcement officers;
# H.R. 663 (Rangel, D-NY), the "Ex-Offender Voting Rights Act," would restore the right to vote in Federal elections to released felons who are denied that right by the State in which they reside;
# S. 122 (Feingold, D-WI), the "Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act," would abolish the death penalty option for all Federal crimes which currently carry that penalty;
# Legislation which would weaken the overtime protections for law enforcement officers in current Federal regulations;
# Legislation or amendments that would have the effect of weakening P.L. 106-185, the "Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000";
# Legislation which would create or fund "civilian review boards" of law enforcement at any level of government;
* Legislation which would normalize relations with Cuba until that nation ceases to be a safe harbor for cop-killers and other fugitives.